Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Need a New Electric Range? Enter Samsung's Christmas Cookie Contest!

If you have children–or if you were ever a child yourself, and I’m guessing you were–you have a favorite family Christmas cookie recipe. (We love gingerbread people!) Perhaps your mom or Grandma used to whip up some culinary wonder with brown sugar, chocolate, or a beautiful mountain of icing?

Even if, for some crazy reason, you don’t have a favorite cookie, sit down with your kids and have fun devising the ultimate cookie, based on your kids’ ideas and favorite flavors, shapes and textures. Bust out that reindeer apron you received last year at the office gift exchange, and let’s get baking!

AllRecipes.com is hunting down the best Christmas Cookie recipe, and they’re offering a Samsung Electric Range Oven and three Samsung Digital DVD Camcorders to get it. Hey, even if you don’t win a prize from Samsung, you may even win $100 cash just for voting on the final four!
Low on cash? See what you can make from the ingredients already in your home. Not only will you wind up with some tasty treats (or you can send them to your children’s classroom holiday parties, to church, or bring them to work), but you’ll also learn about your kids:

  • Do they follow directions, or prefer to make it up as they go?
  • Is one a neat freak, cleaning up after every granule of sugar, while the other instigates a flour fight?
  • Are they willing to explore ways to make the recipe healthier?
  • What about mixing and combining decorative colors and designs–is your child the consummate perfectionist or the free spirit?
  • Or simply hungry for sweet treats?

    Take a picture of the most fabulous of your creations and enter the contest here. Good luck and happy baking!

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