Sunday, September 20, 2009

My recipe is featured in the first Junior League of Orange County cookbook in 20 years

The Junior League of Orange County, California has published a gorgeous new cookbook, Orange County Fare . . . A Culinary Journey Through the California Riviera, filled with mouth-watering photos and delicious recipes from celebrities, top chefs--and yours truly.

This beautiful compilation includes the very best recipes tested by Junior League members, and includes a tour of Orange County through photographs and insightful information about the area. The cookbook is also a finalist in the cookbook category of the 2009 National Best Books Awards sponsored by USA Book News.
With foodie delights from John Stamos, Vanna White, and the always fabulous Chef Jeff of Dinner Mojo, I am both thrilled and honored to have my recipe, Chicken Sausage Crostini, (on page 21) selected for publication.
Orange County Fare is the charitable organization's first cookbook in 20 years, and is its very first “green” Junior League cookbook, made with 100% recycled paper.
It can be pre-ordered for $29.99 on the Junior League of Orange County's Website, and will officially launch at The Christmas Company Opening Night Gala on November 12th.
The Junior League of Orange County, California, Inc. is an organization of women committed to promoting voluntarism, developing the potential of women, and improving the community through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. Its purpose is exclusively educational and charitable, and reaches out to women of all races, religions or national origins who demonstrate an interest in and commitment to voluntarism. The JLOCC has approximately 750 members composed of active members, provisional members in training, and sustaining members.
For more information check out the Facebook fan page for Orange County Fare, or email

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