Friday, May 9, 2008

Banana and Spinach Smoothies

No really, I'm serious. I don't remember where I found the recipe (and I like to give credit where credit is due) but there were literally thousands of comments attached to it regaling the simplicity and surprisingly delicious result of this combination, so I gave it a try.

Our little Joseph has always been a fairly adventurous eater. Tonight, he ate sole stuffed with crab and scallops right off my plate. However, there are days when he digs his heels in, hollering for "wogurt" (yogurt) at every meal. I love giving him these smoothies on those days when we've reached a stalemate over what he'll agree to eat. He thinks he's won the battle, but I know I've won the war: He's drinking fresh spinach--and asking for more. And they are sugar-free! (Yes, bananas are high-glycemic. I'm still happy. And you will be too, when you try this yummy smoothie.)

If you are trying to get more greens into your child's (or your, or your husband's) diet, blend together:
8 oz. of milk (or soy or almond milk),
1/4 to 1/2 cup of fresh spinach
one whole banana into your blender
Puree until it is a fluffy, frothy green smoothie.

Special note: If you'd like to spoon-feed this to your infant, try the following: Blend together 4 ounces of formula or whole milk, 1/4 cup spinach, and half a banana, then thicken with organic rice or multi-grain cereal--let me know what your little cherub thinks!

Food Fact! Bananas contain Vitamin C, potassium and Vitamin B6. The Vitamin C helps the body to defend and heal against infections and aids the synthesis of the connective tissue, absorption of iron and the formation of blood. The mineral potassium helps the building of muscles and protein synthesis. A diet rich in potassium is said to reduce the risk of hypertension and stroke. Vitamin B6 helps in the synthesis of antibodies in the immune system apart from red blood formation, protein metabolism and functioning of the central nervous system. Bananas contain three natural sugars: sucrose, fructose and glucose along with fiber, providing an instant and substantial boost of energy.


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